Registration opens January 11 2025. Registration EXTENDED to March 31.

We’re glad you’re interested in signing up as a participating artist!
There are several things you need to know to get started:

This a Fine Art Show - The majority of your exhibition space should be used for showing/selling Fine Art. Ceramics, Textiles and Jewelry will be considered fine art. The types of derivatives of the Fine Art that will be deemed ok are - cards, mugs, scarves, coasters, etc) Email us with any questions.


Register👉 HERE

*TO JOIN A LARGE GROUP VENUE, contact that venue’s host before registering to get a verification code - some Large Group sites require you to be a member of a particular Art Association and charge a separate fee in addition to your TVAST registration fee.

BE PREPARED -When you register you will be asked to provide/upoload your personal information for the Online and Printed Catalog - to include one photo of your artwork that you intend to have available during the show.


  • May 2,3 and 4 ONLY in the cities of Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton and Livermore.

  • Artists outside the Tri-Valley are welcome to join a local site to include private home studios. All venues will be open to the public from 10AM to 5PM during both days of TVAST. The group venues are on Saturday and Sunday only. Individual studios may be open Friday as well as the weekend. 


  • TVAST is hosted by Alliance for the Visual Arts - AVA. We are a small nonprofit that relies on artist volunteers to make TVAST successful.

  • You do not need to be a member of AVA to participate in TVAST. To join AVA one should be a resident of the Tri-Valley or be a member of one of the Art organizations there and participate in art activities and shows in the Tri-Valley. Learn more here.

  • You will not be required to volunteer in TVAST but if you do volunteer your registration fee will be lowered.

  • We have a very limited number of scholarships. Email: for more info.

Our Fee Structure for TVAST 2024

  • You must pay at the time of registration. Entry fees are nonrefundable after Feb 28, 2025.

  • The last day to register is March 31, 2025.

  • When all volunteer positions have been taken or there are no positions that you're interested in you will be required to pay the higher price if you wish to participate, unless you are over 70.

Entry Fees

  • $125 if you decide not to volunteer

  • $80 if you volunteer, or are older than 70

  • Free for local High School and Local College students - see below

  • $50 if age 18-24 and not in college (no requirement to volunteer)

  • Anyone 70 or older need not volunteer

  • The lower volunteer price will only be available until all volunteer slots are taken or more volunteer positions become available.

  • Artists who volunteer will get $45 off their registration fee (unless you are 70 and older (or18-24) and already get the lower price). There are a limited number of volunteer positions available ~ 15.

  • Tri Valley area High School and Las Positas/ DVC College students are invited to participate for free at The Art Process - or any other venue that will host them - and are not required to volunteer in TVAST. However, you must coordinate with Chinar Desai, to show at The Art Process.

Teacher and Student Policy:

Any teacher over the age of 21 (with students under the age of 18) may pay the full entry fee as applicable, to join TVAST and then allow any of their student artists to show/sell their work at their teaching venue for free. The teacher assumes full responsibility for the conduct of their students during TVAST.  The teacher will be responsible for having their students read and initial the TVAST Terms and Conditions.

The host and venue organization assumes full responsibility for the student’s conduct and will ensure each student under 18 has provided a parental/guardian consent form. AVA will not post images of the student artwork nor the students name on the TVAST website unless time allows and the student wishes their name and artwork to be posted. Each student under the age of 18 must have their parent/guardian fill out a Parent/Guardian Consent form that will be provided to them by their venue host/teacher. Email us at for a copy of the PDF form, have it signed by the parent/guardian of any children under 18 at the time of the event (May 4/5) and email a photocopy of the form back to us. Email us for more information and to get your student site listed:

Any teacher over the age of 21 (with Students over the age of 18) may pay the full entry fee as applicable to join TVAST and then allow any of their student artists over the age of 18 to show/sell their work at their venue for a fee of $15 for each student - for a maximum of three years from the start of their training (under the current or any previous teacher) in that medium. After that point, they fall under the other categories as applicable. The teacher assumes full responsibility for the student’s conduct during TVAST.  Teachers are responsible for ensuring each student over the age of 18 involved with TVAST outside the enrollment process (JotForm Entry process listed below) will read through the Terms and conditions listed below and agree to these before participating. Email us for more information and to get your student site listed:

AVA will post the artwork/venue info for the head of the teaching group and let the public know that other student artists (their names listed if desired) will be at the venue. Student Artists will not have their art displayed on the website/catalog unless time permits.

Venue Locations

  • You must find a location on your own to participate in TVAST. We will try to help you.

  • Check the Large Venue Location Page for more details on the large venue sites. A list of artists who are seeking others to join them in private homes will be published here when available. 

Large Group Locations
Learn details about the Large Venue Locations Here - If you wish to join a large venue contact the listed coordinator BEFORE REGISTERING to get a verification code (except for The Art Process). These are: 

  • Bothwell Arts Center - 2466 8th Street in Livermore - 24 artists - Cost: $60 - Contact Anne Giancola for verification code

  • Georgia Jacob’s Studio (LAA) - Membership in Livermore Art Association + 20% commission to LAA. Contact Georgia Jacobs: For verification code.

  • Frame Co and Art Gallery (DAC) - 7038 Village Pkwy, Dublin - 12 artists - Membership in Dublin Art Collective required + 20% commission to DAC. Contact Sawsan Wolski:

  • The Art Process of Dublin - 6743 Dublin Blvd, Unit 34, Dublin - This site is free of charge and open for students of The Art Process, any Tri-Valley High School Art Students and College Students - Contact Chinar Desai: Note: there is no registration for this site. All artist sign-ups will be done through The Art Process manager, Chinar Desai.

  • Dougherty Station Community Arts Center - This site will hold approximately 15 artists - This site is free to participate and active for signup now. - Contact Ranjini Venkatachari: - she will be the coordinator for this site and will provide you a code for this venue. The necessary info for signup is on the entry form. If you have questions Ranjini will be able to provide you with more information.

  • More venues may become available and the number of positions in each of the above venues may change.

Display Panel Rental

  • You can rent display panels from Livermore Art Association - go to their website for events, scroll to the bottom to find out more information and a link to their rental application - the fee is roughly $35 (The rental fee for use of one (1) to nine (9) flats is $35.00.) Don’t wait till the last minute - they don’t have an unlimited supply.

Benefits to Joining TVAST

  • You get the opportunity to volunteer and collaborate with other like-minded artists

  • Access to our list of venues who are inviting others to join them at their exhibit space

  • TVAST publicity will be broadly disseminated throughout the Tri-Valley area and the adjoining region to include postcards, posters, targeted mailers, a Map of the venues, a PDF version of the catalog, an Artist gallery on the site and pages that break down the artists by medium and venue.

  • Most of all, you will have the opportunity to display your work to the public which completes the process of "making art". On this journey you'll get to know many artists who share your passions. It's magical - it’s connecting with others.

Volunteering to help run TVAST
You can reduce the price to participate in TVAST by $45 if you volunteer your time. (over 70 fee is $80 regardless)

  • Volunteers will need to select one of the committees during sign up. If all committees are full you will have to pay the full price. 

  • If you sign up to assist with a committee and subsequently do not participate as required by the committee chair you may be required to pay the extra $45 or withdraw.

    • If you wish to volunteer at sign up but all volunteer positions have been filled, but subsequently one or more positions become available after sign up, you'll be made aware of the vacant positions (if you so choose to select this option during your registration), and if you take a position, you'll be refunded the difference in fee prices.

Volunteer Committees (volunteer numbers are subject to change)

1. Publicity - Chaired by Neil Mitchell + 2 volunteers

2. Graphics and Catalog  - Chaired by May Yin Giang - No Volunteers

3. Website - Chaired by Wei-Ting Chuang + 1 Volunteer

4. Distribution - Chaired by John Iacono ~ 7 Volunteers

5. Social Media - Chaired by Amy Greenberg + 4 Volunteeers

  1. Publicity: 3 people total: Contact media outlets to help publicize TVAST. This includes creating hard copy for print, contacting various online media and public organizations to get them to post information about TVAST.

  2. Graphics and Catalog: 1 person total: Produce graphics - slightly modify postcards, posters, banners and create the catalog. T

  3. Website Development: 2 people total: Work under the chair person to develop the TVAST website (Squarespace platform - not too unlike Wordpress) to include creating a gallery of artist participants, an interactive GPS map of the venues and any other promotional info for the event.

  4. Distribution: 8 people total: Deliver Posters, Postcards, etc to Businesses, Sit a table at one of several Farmers Markets in March or April to distribute flyers - will require you to speak with business owners and seek permission to leave items for the public. Deliver materials to a few select locations for public pick up and possibly artist pickup of materials at your residence.

  5. Social Media: 5 people total: Promote TVAST on social media. This role requires a very good working knowledge of Instagram and/or FaceBook. 

Signup: Please follow these steps to register for TVAST 2024

  1. Read through all of the information provided here and if you have any further questions email them to

  2. If you are requesting to show at one of the large venues listed above you must first contact that venue host and they will ensure your eligibility and provide you with a verification code to enter into the signup form when it's appropriate. Be sure you ask the host any questions you have about the space they will provide you, the overall setup and any questions you might have about your presence at that site. Review the TVAST Venue Location Page here that provides a more thorough description and photos of the site you are interested in.

  3. You will input most all of the information that will be needed for your participation to include things for your online catalog entry: your contact information, mediums, price range, etc. Gather these together to make the registration go smoothly.

  4. Some time after your registration, we will send a link for you to provide us an image for the online catalog.

  5. If you are not already an AVA member and thus have a page on the AVA Artists gallery you will be contacted by the Website committee and asked for more images, a bio, etc to populate this page - it will be linked to your catalog entry and TVAST artists gallery photo. See the links here for examples.

  6. If you are showing at a private venue - your own or someone else’s, you must provide us the name of that person and the address of the location. Make sure you check with that host and ensure you have permission to show with them before you fill out the form.

  7. SHARING YOUR PRIVATE VENUE: If you have a venue, like your own private home or studio, that you would like to share with others, and would like to list it as being open for other artists to sign up, email your information to and we will provide your name and venue information on a special list on the website. This will allow other artists to contact you to discuss your venue and get your approval.

TVAST 2024 Terms and conditions - published again on the entry form for you to initial.

  1. I will abide by the TVAST Terms and Conditions and accept that if I do not I may not be allowed to participate and my entry fee may not be refunded if I do not comply.

  2. My entry fee will NOT be refundable after February 28, 2025.

  3. The vast majority of my exhibition space will be used for showing/selling original fine art works. Only a minor amount of items will be derrived from my work. 

  4. I am responsible for finding my own location to show my artwork.

  5. I realize that if I signup to assist with a committee I must participate at the minimum level required by the committee chair. If I do not, either (1) I may be required to pay the extra $45 fee OR (2) I may be withdrawn from TVAST and lose my entry fee.

  6. Each artist is responsible for their own behavior and conducting themselves appropriately during TVAST and that AVA is not responsible in any way.

  7. Every artist at every venue, over the age of 18, whether public or private, must be a registered participant with TVAST and pay the registration fee unless they are enrolled as a student within a Tri-Valley High School or Las Positas or Diablo Valley College student.

  8. Artists at each venue will be responsible for any type of singular promotions their venue wishes to create, to include creating their own postcards, as long as these promotional materials and the method of their distribution is approved by the TVAST Graphic Arts Committee and the TVAST Director.

  9. AVA and the Tri-Valley art community is a diverse community comprised of individuals having many perspectives and identities. We come from a multitude of backgrounds and experiences, with distinct needs and goals. We recognize that to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community, we must understand and value both our individual differences and our common ground.

  10. AVA and TVAST reserves the right to use photographs of participating artists, venue space, and artwork for promotion and fundraising purposes.

  11. These terms are subject to change.